Anyone notice a theme?
Well there are a few, but one in particular has to do with fixing myself up. I'm a mess. I'm about to use the F word so brace yourself. I am FAT and I don't want to be fat anymore! So if you notice, I have several goals that may just help me out of this rut.
#3. Cook 50 new healthy recipes: I started to cook. Last night I made Talapia and veggie stir fry. I was either starving or it was really good. I will go for the latter. Originally I thought I would photograph each recipe I made, but to tell you the truth, by the time I finish cooking I just want to eat. And let's be honest, nothing I cook looks beautiful enough to post on Pinterest so why bother taking a picture???
#4. Lose 30 pounds. That's a lot. I can do it. I'm already down 4. Considering how hard I am trying, 30 pounds may take 10 years! But I am dedicated because now I have gone public, and let's face it, once you have gone public there is no going back.
#6. Run in a 10K race. So I walk/run 3 times a week and I am currently running 3 minutes/walking 2 minutes x7. Not bad. Doing the 5K Graffiti run this fall and come hell or high water, the 10K run this spring. Watch out world, here I come!
#8. Go hiking a minimum of 10 times. Ok, so I haven't attempted that yet but I have a reason. I joined a gym and have a trainer that thinks it's funny to push me until I can't walk, climb stairs, sit on the toilet or even sneeze. Hiking? I don't think so. At least not yet, says my butt and quads.
#15. Take tennis lessons: Soon, soon, soon. Who has time? I love how everyone asks what I am going to do with my free time once I stop working. I guess I will do everything I used to do between eight-midnight before. Plus... being healthy is like a full time job. Who would have thunk it???
#16. Join a dragon boat race team. Next spring. I promise.
#18. Drink 2 litres of water a day. Accomplished. So far...
Oh and may I say, Ramila, my new naturopath doctor and my new best friend ( I admit this is a one sided relationship), will help me to drop this weight as she has determined that my body is full of yeast and resistant to sugar and dairy. So with no yeast, sugar or dairy I may very well succeed at this tremendous 30 pound weight loss goal. I wonder if she tells everyone that they are resistant to yeast, dairy and sugar just to get them to eat healthier. Who cares?!? She's tricked me and I'm good with that.
And finally no before and after picture. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do pictures. But I promise, I will post a pic at the end. Why not? Only my closest 411 Facebook friends will see it!
Wish me luck.............
Friday, 10 August 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
#1 on the List
It's only July, and I can safely cross 3 provinces off the list.
The mission: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI
The missionaries: Me and my momma!
When we arrived, we decided to play the alphabet game. We had 2 weeks to make our way through the alphabet. Game rules included staying in order (which we mostly did) and capturing something of some significance, based on the letter we were on, that would symbolically remind us of our great trip together.
Here is the list we compiled:
A - Alice in Wonderland. Yes, you heard me. On our first night in Nova Scotia, we went for a picnic dinner in Point Pleasant Park. It was beautiful. As we were walking, to who-knows-where, we saw people running ahead. So we followed. To our surprise, there was a gorgeous spot where Shakespeare by the Sea was presenting Alice in Wonderland. It was a fantastic rendition and we enjoyed the sunset and talent all at once.
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This was the Queen of Hearts. He/She was hilarious! |
B - Bay of Fundy. We shlepped all the way from Halifax to Annapolis Royal on the North East coast of Nova Scotia. Thankfully this was the beginning of the trip and we were still excited by everything. Let's just say that our visit to Annapolis was "interesting". Everything was "interesting"; from the creepy inn-keeper at the King George Inn, to the fact that the town was all but completely abandoned. We did however see the Bay Fundy and a few other neat things along the way.
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Bay of Fundy |
C - Cemetary. In Annapolis, apparently the thing to do is visit cemeteries at night. In the rain. With candle-lit lanterns. So, off we went to the oldest historical site in Canada to learn a little about Canadian history. Funny, three weeks later, I can't remember a thing except how to clean a grave stone!
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That's me. That's a grave stone. 'nough said. |
D - Duke. Next day we booted it out of Annapolis Royal and trecked back down South to Lunenberg. Turned out to be our favorite town and we deviated from our plan and stayed an extra day. Rebels! In Lunenberg we went on a horse drawn carriage ride up and down the steep streets. Poor Duke. (He was our horse.) The fishing town of Lunenberg is quaint and colourful and an absolute gem. We loved it.
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Duke was distraught. Poor guy almost bit Bea's head off! |
E - Exit 5 to Peggy's Cove. We took a day trip from Lunenberg to go see Peggy's Cove. What a gorgeous site.
This is Peggy's Cove |
F - FISH!!! Need I say more? Think all 5 senses. Ok, well think 4 senses (as we didn't really hear the fish) but we sure did eat, smell, see, and in Bea's case, touch the fish. Here is my brave momma touching a star fish in Lunenberg.
Brave Bea |
G- Golf Course. No, we didn't go golfing. But check out this gorgeous pic of Lunenberg from the Lunenberg Golf Course.
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Worth camping out in the rain with the mosquitos for this perfect shot. Good one Bea! |
H- Hopwell Rocks. After leaving Lunenberg we ventured up to New Brunswick. I must admit we did not stay long. Just long enough to visit the Hopewell Rocks at low tide. It was a remarkable place to visit. The rest of our time in Moncton??? Well, we did laundry and grabbed a hotel room picnic at The Maritimes Super Store.
This is literally the ocean floor. Cool, aye? |
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The rock formations are from the waves that hit during high tide. We left before the tide came in. Just use your imagination. We did. |
I - Ice Cream. Next up was a 3.5 hour drive to PEI. Crossing the Confederation Bridge was pretty cool but not as "cool" as the PEI ice cream at Cows.
J - JB. So we rented a cute little Toyota Corolla and named him JB. J for Jenny and B for Bea and if you really want to know, JB cause I love the Beibster. Unfortunately upon awaking on our first morn in Charlottetown, we discovered JB had been vandalized. But don't fret. The gentlemen at "Good Guys Auto Glass" took good care of us and for $300 JB was as good as new.
The window that was. |
K - K20 & K21. Our seat numbers at the Anne of Green Gables play. It was amazing. I loved every second of this fantastic musical. It was my childhood coming back to me through song, dance and fantastic acting. I give that show 2 thumbs up and if you are ever in Charlottetown, try to catch it!
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Hey that looks just like me! |
L - Lighthouse. Or shall I say lighthouses. Let's just say we saw lots.
M - Mother. If you have not met my mother, I would like to introduce her to you. She is a 65 year young bubby who has more passion and joie de vive than any other human being I have ever had the privilege to know. I will forever cherish this trip because I got to go with her. She made everyday fun and adventurous. She loooooooves her photography but most of all lives in the moment and lets nothing pass her by. Thanks for the memories mum.
At times, she can be a bit wackadoodle. |
N- New Glasgow. This is where a lobster attacked me. Ok, not really. But it felt like it. My first and most likely last time munching lobster claws. Seriously, people eat the green gunk, that I learned was the lobster's liver. Must be hungry to cross that line. Ew...
See, it attacked me! |
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Mum tried muscles. She said they tasted like boogers! |
O- Orange. Bye, bye PEI. Hello looooooong ferry ride back to Nova Scotia. Check out this sunset. The shot was taken in Nova Scotia at the Pictou Lodge resort. Fun little place for kayaking, biking and relaxing.
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Nice shot mum. Check out the reflections in the water! |
P- Potato Fields. We saw soooooo many. Here I am cheating a little in the alphabet game because potato fields were in PEI and if you are following the sequence, we are officially back in Nova Scotia. But I couldn't resist. Those potato fields were most definitely worth documenting!
Q - Quay. On the way out of Pictou, we stopped by the the famous Hector Heritage Quay. This was the ship that brought over the first 200 Scotts and started the wave of Scottish immigration to Nova Scotia. Hey, did you know that Nova Scotia actually means "New Scotland"? The province was first named Acadia and was changed to Nova Scotia to encourage more Scottish immigration. Cool fact, aye?
R - Running. #6 on my list is to run a 10K race. Well, guess what? I started training!!!!!!!
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Don't I look like a natural? |
S- Sou Western hats. See theses fisherman hats? We put them on EVERYWHERE. At the time they looked cute. Now I'm not so sure. But that was our "S" and I'm sticking with it.
Oy vey. |
T- Trail. Yes, we spent 7 hours touring the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Glad I did it. Will never do it again.
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That's quite the loooong trail. |
U - Under the kilt. After our visit to Cape Breton, we stopped in Antigonish on our way back to Halifax. Great timing as the Highland Games were taking place on that very day! We saw so many cool competitions and felt very Scottish by the end of the day. Guess what's under the kilt?
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Before |
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After. Not what we were hoping for! |
V- Very hard letter. We were stumped and losing steam with the alphabet game. Just being honest!
W- Wrong Way. Have you ever seen signs on the other side of the highway indicating "WRONG WAY"? I mean really, the signs in the Maritimes were the pits to begin with, but what were they thinking? If you were going the wrong way wouldn't you notice the onslaught of cars about to smash into you? These signs were everywhere. You'd think we were in Newfoundland!
X- HalifaX. We enjoyed this beautiful, clean, green, city. People were friendly, plenty to see and do (for 2 days max!) and lots of rich history. We were very impressed.
Y - YOLO - You Only Live Once. That's what my epic year is all about and this trip with my mom was the perfect way to kick it off.
Z - Zip Up. It's time to go home. Farewell Maritimes. See you again when I hit Newfoundland at some point in the next 12 months. Who wants to go with me?
Some more great pics of my mum that didn't belong in the alphabet game:
Ain't she a hottie??? |
Wine tasting at the Bear River Vineyard |
"The most beautiful beach in PEI." Really? I'm guessing the quote came from someone who has never been to Aruba! (Boy do I sound spoiled!) |
How random... |
Bubby Bea rode the Charlottetown firetruck. Thought the grandkids would be proud. |
Yes. My mother ate a McLobster. And she liked it. And she was proud. That about sums it all up. Hope you enjoyed. I know we did. |
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
My Epic Year - THE LIST
So the plan was that I would take a year off of work to reconnect with family and rejuvenate my life. By March I went from extremely excited to utterly freaked out. What was I going to actually do during this time off? Shop? Run errands? Wait for my kids to get out of school so that I could be a great mom? No way! I needed a plan. Those who know me well, know that I am all about "THE PLAN". So in a matter of 10 minutes I had come up with a list of 20 items (OK, 15 and I have added the final 5 over the course of the past few months). This list is my plan of what will keep me busy and inspired over the coming year. My Epic Year. Here goes:
1. Visit every province in Canada (I have really seen very little of my own country and thought it was about time!)
2. Make an album of my trip across Canada (I love scrap booking!!! And Michael's is going to loooooove me!)
3. Cook 50 new healthy recipes (So I haven't cooked a new recipe in 5 years. Just saying...)
4. Lose 30 pounds (It's about time I stop wearing my maternity clothes. Jonah is turning 13 after all)
5. Reconnect with 5 long-lost friends (who to pick, who to pick. You'll just have to wait and see.)
6. Run in a 10K race (I may come in last but I WILL cross the finish line)
7. Get involved with 1 NEW volunteer organisation.
8. Go hiking a minimum of 10 times. (Anyone wanna join me?)
9. Make something from scratch that will be a family heirloom (I love crafting!)
10. Spend 12 hours straight with my father, mother, brothers, and sister-in-laws individually (That is more time than I have spent with my dad in my entire life!!!)
11. Give blood every 56 days (my first appointment is this Friday before the long weekend and I am taking my dear friend Gale who happens to be O neg. Double mitzvah!)
12. Moisturise, exfoliate, and floss daily. (Seriously? I can't believe this made it onto the list but I need something to keep me committed)
13. Go on one date a week with sugar daddy. (That should spice things up!)
14. Surprise each of my kids on a weekend away - alone with mom and dad.
15. Take tennis lessons. (Even though I am blind in my left eye and have a horrible backhand)
16. Join a dragon boat race team. (Thanks for the inspiration Karen!)
17. Ride a segway. (Don't those look so cool???)
18. Drink 2 litres of water a day. (This may require me to wear a diaper for the first few months)
19. At Turnbull School - Join a parent committee, go to all of the parent assemblies and events, and go on at least one field trip with Jordy (He always begs me to go on field trips and I have always been too busy. This is the year!)
20. Call a different friend once a day just to say hi. (The list will likely repeat several times as the year goes on considering how anti-social I have been over the past few years!)
I will try to update this blog on the regular. Anyone want to guess which will be the hardest task to accomplish? Em seems to think that it will be #12. My guess is #18. That will require some serious commitment to knowing where there is a bathroom at every moment of the day!
1. Visit every province in Canada (I have really seen very little of my own country and thought it was about time!)
2. Make an album of my trip across Canada (I love scrap booking!!! And Michael's is going to loooooove me!)
3. Cook 50 new healthy recipes (So I haven't cooked a new recipe in 5 years. Just saying...)
4. Lose 30 pounds (It's about time I stop wearing my maternity clothes. Jonah is turning 13 after all)
5. Reconnect with 5 long-lost friends (who to pick, who to pick. You'll just have to wait and see.)
6. Run in a 10K race (I may come in last but I WILL cross the finish line)
7. Get involved with 1 NEW volunteer organisation.
8. Go hiking a minimum of 10 times. (Anyone wanna join me?)
9. Make something from scratch that will be a family heirloom (I love crafting!)
10. Spend 12 hours straight with my father, mother, brothers, and sister-in-laws individually (That is more time than I have spent with my dad in my entire life!!!)
11. Give blood every 56 days (my first appointment is this Friday before the long weekend and I am taking my dear friend Gale who happens to be O neg. Double mitzvah!)
12. Moisturise, exfoliate, and floss daily. (Seriously? I can't believe this made it onto the list but I need something to keep me committed)
13. Go on one date a week with sugar daddy. (That should spice things up!)
14. Surprise each of my kids on a weekend away - alone with mom and dad.
15. Take tennis lessons. (Even though I am blind in my left eye and have a horrible backhand)
16. Join a dragon boat race team. (Thanks for the inspiration Karen!)
17. Ride a segway. (Don't those look so cool???)
18. Drink 2 litres of water a day. (This may require me to wear a diaper for the first few months)
19. At Turnbull School - Join a parent committee, go to all of the parent assemblies and events, and go on at least one field trip with Jordy (He always begs me to go on field trips and I have always been too busy. This is the year!)
20. Call a different friend once a day just to say hi. (The list will likely repeat several times as the year goes on considering how anti-social I have been over the past few years!)
I will try to update this blog on the regular. Anyone want to guess which will be the hardest task to accomplish? Em seems to think that it will be #12. My guess is #18. That will require some serious commitment to knowing where there is a bathroom at every moment of the day!
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