Friday 10 August 2012

Anyone notice a theme?

Anyone notice a theme?

Well there are a few, but one in particular has to do with fixing myself up.  I'm a mess.  I'm about to use the F word so brace yourself.  I am FAT and I don't want to be fat anymore!  So if you notice, I have several goals that may just help me out of this rut.

#3. Cook 50 new healthy recipes:  I started to cook.  Last night I made Talapia and veggie stir fry.  I was either starving or it was really good.  I will go for the latter.  Originally I thought I would photograph each recipe I made, but to tell you the truth, by the time I finish cooking I just want to eat. And let's be honest, nothing I cook looks beautiful enough to post on Pinterest so why bother taking a picture???

#4.  Lose 30 pounds.  That's a lot.  I can do it.  I'm already down 4.  Considering how hard I am trying, 30 pounds may take 10 years!  But I am dedicated because now I have gone public, and let's face it, once you have gone public there is no going back.

#6. Run in a 10K race.  So I walk/run 3 times a week and I am currently running 3 minutes/walking 2 minutes x7.  Not bad.  Doing the 5K Graffiti run this fall and come hell or high water, the 10K run this spring.  Watch out world, here I come!

#8.  Go hiking a minimum of 10 times.  Ok, so I haven't attempted that yet but I have a reason.  I joined a gym and have a trainer that thinks it's funny to push me until I can't walk, climb stairs, sit on the toilet or even sneeze.  Hiking?  I don't think so.  At least not yet, says my butt and quads.

#15. Take tennis lessons:  Soon, soon, soon.  Who has time?  I love how everyone asks what I am going to do with my free time once I stop working.  I guess I will do everything I used to do between eight-midnight before.  Plus... being healthy is like a full time job.  Who would have thunk it???

#16.  Join a dragon boat race team.  Next spring.  I promise.

#18.  Drink 2 litres of water a day.  Accomplished.  So far...

Oh and may I say, Ramila, my new naturopath doctor and my new best friend ( I admit this is a one sided relationship), will help me to drop this weight as she has determined that my body is full of yeast and resistant to sugar and dairy.  So with no yeast, sugar or dairy I may very well succeed at this tremendous 30 pound weight loss goal.  I wonder if she tells everyone that they are resistant to yeast, dairy and sugar just to get them to eat healthier.  Who cares?!?  She's tricked me and I'm good with that.

And finally no before and after picture.  Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do pictures.   But I promise, I will post a pic at the end.  Why not?  Only my closest 411 Facebook friends will see it!

Wish me luck.............


  1. Jenny, think of it this way, though you keep saying 30 pounds it's really only 26 now that you have already lost 4! Looking forward to seeing you at the school picnic - the only question that remains - what are we going to order from the menu on offer??

  2. Jenny, when you are ready to visit Winnipeg, please let me know so I can give you the grand tour. I would call myself the causal runner 5km. I like running for causes, hope to see you at the CIBC run for the cure, only 5km. Keep up the great blog and don't be so had on yourself, any weight loss is an accomplishment. Jackie
