Tuesday 26 June 2012

My Epic Year - THE LIST

So the plan was that I would take a year off of work to reconnect with family and rejuvenate my life.   By March I went from extremely excited to utterly freaked out.  What was I going to actually do during this time off?  Shop?  Run errands?  Wait for my kids to get out of school so that I could be a great mom?  No way!  I needed a plan.  Those who know me well, know that I am all about "THE PLAN".  So in a matter of 10 minutes I had come up with a list of 20 items (OK, 15 and I have added the final 5 over the course of the past few months).  This list is my plan of what will keep me busy and inspired over the coming year.  My Epic Year.  Here goes:

1.  Visit every province in Canada (I have really seen very little of my own country and thought it was about time!)

2.  Make an album of my trip across Canada (I love scrap booking!!! And Michael's is going to loooooove me!)

3.  Cook 50 new healthy recipes (So I haven't cooked a new recipe in 5 years.  Just saying...)

4.  Lose 30 pounds (It's about time I stop wearing my maternity clothes.  Jonah is turning 13 after all)

5.  Reconnect with 5 long-lost friends (who to pick, who to pick.  You'll just have to wait and see.)

6.  Run in a 10K race (I may come in last but I WILL cross the finish line)

7.  Get involved with 1 NEW volunteer organisation.

8.  Go hiking a minimum of 10 times.  (Anyone wanna join me?)

9.  Make something from scratch that will be a family heirloom (I love crafting!)

10.  Spend 12 hours straight with my father, mother, brothers, and sister-in-laws individually (That is more time than I have spent with my dad in my entire life!!!)

11.  Give blood every 56 days (my first appointment is this Friday before the long weekend and I am taking my dear friend Gale who happens to be O neg.  Double mitzvah!)

12.  Moisturise, exfoliate, and floss daily.  (Seriously?  I can't believe this made it onto the list but I need something to keep me committed)

13.  Go on one date a week with sugar daddy.  (That should spice things up!)

14.  Surprise each of my kids on a weekend away - alone with mom and dad.

15.  Take tennis lessons. (Even though I am blind in my left eye and have a horrible backhand)

16.  Join a dragon boat race team. (Thanks for the inspiration Karen!)

17.  Ride a segway. (Don't those look so cool???)

18.  Drink 2 litres of water a day. (This may require me to wear a diaper for the first few months)

19.  At Turnbull School - Join a parent committee, go to all of the parent assemblies and events, and go on at least one field trip with Jordy (He always begs me to go on field trips and I have always been too busy.  This is the year!)

20.  Call a different friend once a day just to say hi.  (The list will likely repeat several times as the year goes on considering how anti-social I have been over the past few years!)

I will try to update this blog on the regular.  Anyone want to guess which will be the hardest task to accomplish?  Em seems to think that it will be #12.  My guess is #18.  That will require some serious commitment to knowing where there is a bathroom at every moment of the day!



  1. So as your mum - I have this to say. I love your mahnishtanas for this coming year. Having heard them was not as overwhelming as having read them. It is an overwhelming feat that you are taking on. If anyone can do it - Jenny can. If you are able to complete 10/20 that would be amazing. If you can do 20/20 - well that will be perfect. That would make you a super mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, et al. You would also prove to be a skinny Canadian that can cook, craft, be fit, with excellent hygiene. Volunteering your time and blood is honourable. Segway, tennis, running and hiking - those three I am not so sure about. They make #12 and #18 look like a snap. Best of Luck and remember as always - I am there for you....whenever and wherever......xxoo

  2. Hey there Jenny. LOVE the blog and can't wait to read on. Yes, I would love to join you or be a part of your epic year if in any possible (yep, even a phone call to say hi would cut it for me :). Seriously, though the only issue I have is the green on pink is AWFULLY hard to read!!!!

  3. Speaking from experience....
    It has now been 13 months since I last (officially) worked "outside the home" (say that part in a deeper voice) and this year has flown by and I have NOTHING to show for it (except of course the massive baby growing in my tummy). I do however have a solid relationship with most of the staff at my local Costco, Kroger (Lashonda and I are really tight), and my gym - I'm 30lbs heavier, but they still like me. I'm VERY impressed that you are laying out a plan and a GREAT to-do list. Get 'er done, girl! I can only hope to be several of those phone calls and maybe even a site visit in the fall (we may have to charter our own plane and a stretch Hummer, but we'll try to come for your simcha in Nov.).
    I think #18 may be the toughest, but it will make #4 pretty doable (and you'll see a whole lot of the great indoors across the great white north).
    Audrey (via Bradley's Google deal)
